Monday, March 28, 2011

Where do you find your self-worth? Is it in your job? your accomplishments? your bank account? your family? your kids? your jean size? your husband or boyfriend?

I must admit that I have let my self-worth lie in one of those categories at least once in my life... today as we were driving to the field I heard the song What Love Really Means by JJ Heller & it just reminded me how thankful I am that I don't have to find my worth from anything in this world because my Father loves me for ME. I think so many times as women & especially in the lifestyle we are in that we can get caught up in how we look in our clothes & what clothes we have... or who what level our husband is playing baseball at or their career status.. or maybe even our own career status.... am I at the top? What really is the top anyway? Or maybe if I was just thinner my husband would really love me?

I have a friend who puts alot of stress & effort into what others perceive her as... wealthy. in shape. Godly. Hardworking. Overachiever.  etc.... I tend to find myself here sometimes too. (more than I really want to admit) I don't want to long to get my worth or fulfillment in my accomplishments but in my Savior. He is where we find true worth & fulfillment. I don't have to prove anything.

NOT in my jean size, hair cuts, clothes, career status', accomplishments...  my worth is in HIM.

Why do we stress so much about what other people think or how they perceive us as? Why not instead be who you are? Today I am going to be ME & be confident in the fact that my Father loves me for me :) Has it ever occurred to you that God placed you where you are & made you perfectly in his image for a purpose? Yes, I am talking about you. YOU have a purpose in this world today. Go fulfill His purpose for you today!

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

You are WORTH it. 

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