Friday, February 4, 2011

Life is like a box of chocolate...You never know what you're going to get.

  After the beautiful 77 degree weather we had last weekend to 20 INCHES OF SNOW, & the 6-8 inches we are getting right now I have decided baseball is as inconsistent as Oklahoma weather!!! In Oklahoma you might need your coat one day & the next you could go for a nice run in your t-shirt & shorts. In baseball, one day you might be the starting catcher & the next day find yourself on a plane ride home because you got hit in the face & caused you to go partially blind & deaf on your left side. That is what happened to my dad when he was 23 years old in Savannah, Georgia while playing professional baseball. Things can change that quickly in baseball & can change that quickly for you too. Today Matters. 

With life being so inconsistent in my husband's career it could allow me to be stressed to the max if I agreed to it. So, what holds us together? FAITH. We could allow circumstances today control how we approach tomorrow. We could worry about what lies ahead for our family because it is out of our control & unknown. However, God tells us not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough worries of its own. (Matthew 6:34) I think we should take him up on this advice because God has big plans for all of us. He is the Alpha, Omega, Beginning & End & will guard your hearts & minds in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:6,7) Last year at the Spring Training Baseball Chapel wives luncheon the guest speaker told us she moved 12 times in one year with 2 young boys & no help because her husband had to leave the next morning each time. She said she swallowed her pride & got on her knees to ask God for strength everyday. She knew tomorrow was out of her control & that faith would be the only thing to get her through. I am taking her advice.

With all of this said, we will not let the inconsistency of our circumstances control us. Jeremy cannot stress about how many pens he is missing because of the weather & instead shoveling snow can be his workout! I am going to spend these next 8 days before Spring Training not stressing out about weather, birthday parties, to-do lists, etc but enjoy the 8 days I have with Jeremy & work as hard as we can while we can!!

"Unbelief puts our circumstances between us & God. Faith puts God between us & our circumstances." -F. B. Meyer

***Photo is of Jeremy & men from the church shoveling the Church parking lot today :) Hard workers!

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