Everyone always asks me how I deal with letting Jeremy follow his dream & how they admire me for allowing him to go for it. I appreciate the compliment with all sincerity, however, sometimes I think people just misunderstand.
We both have dreams & we both are chasing our dreams... together.
Jeremy cheers me on everyday. He encourages me to follow my dreams as a mother/runner/trainer. He compliments me on the things God is doing in my life. He makes sacrifices behind the scenes... like letting me go do my thing in the off season months. Keeping Jace while I go for my long runs. Standing out in the freezing cold to watch me run. Holding me accountable for my goals. Just as much as I sit in the stands & cheer for him he is doing the same for me. My dreams might not be as noticeable or obvious but trust me they are there. I think as a baseball player's wife we can let our own dreams get put on the back burner & by no means does anyone mean for that to happen... it just does. I am so thankful for a husband who encourages me to chase after my dreams. Together we are working to put our dreams together as a family & chase after them, even if that means we make sacrifices for one another.
*I pray that we are examples to Jace & that the passion God lays on his heart is one he will chase after... we will be cheering for him!
I pray I am the encourager & cheerleader Jeremy needs me to be everyday... not just in baseball, but in all the dreams we have for our family even if someday those dreams change.
Who is your cheerleader in your life? Who are you encouraging?