Friday, May 27, 2011

Baby fever?

(Photo taken by Aunt Megan)

So, I have to admit... I think I am coming down with something. What is it you ask? Baby fever. Yes, it's a little early for us to be thinking about baby #2 or is it? 

The other day it seemed like everywhere Jace & I went we saw little newborn babies. I never knew how bad I would want multiple kids. Seriously, I always thought I would only want a few but the more I get older the more babies I want. (don't worry Jeremy knows this, lol) I know having one is nothing like having 2 or 3 but oh I sure hope God blesses us with the opportunity to find out! We don't plan on having another baby quite yet... However, I hope at this time next year I am big & pregnant... well, maybe not the big part? ;) I can't wait to see Jace as a big brother! He definitely already has the personality of a big brother & I hope that sticks. 

The cure to my baby fever is to run this marathon in December & really put my heart into it for the next 7 months then we can start talking babies again... until then I will hold my baby niece tightly every chance I get, along with any other babies we are around & enjoy my quality time with Jace before the Hefner's become a family of 4. 

Thank you Lord for the blessings of children! 

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